Support HSF
Why invest in the Hispanic Scholarship Fund?
Two Important questions to ask yourself when making a donation to HSF:
1. How will my donation be spent?
94 cents of every dollar you give to HSF goes directly to scholarships, support services, career services, and programs that serve parents, K-12 students, HSF Scholars, and Alumni.
Only 6 cents of every dollar are spent on administration and fundraising.
2. What will be the impact of my donation?
HSF supports 25,000+ Scholars at over 1,200 colleges, universities, and graduate schools.
This year HSF awarded more than $33 million in scholarships.
HSF provided direct services to 12,000+ parents, K-12 students, HSF Scholars, and Alumni through programs such as College 101, College Prep Saturday, Youth Leadership Institute, Young Leaders Summit, Scholar Celebration, STEM Summit, National Leadership Conference, Finance Conference, Media & Entertainment Summit, and Entrepreneurship Summit.
Your tax deductible donation will help parents prepare, plan, and pay for their children’s higher education. Your gift will also empower thousands of HSF Scholars, like the ones in the video below, to be the courageous leaders we need to make our world a better place.
Click here to donate to the Hispanic Scholarship Fund.